Genre: YA, paranormal romance
Sneaking out at night, driving without a license, and falling for a guy weren’t things fifteen-year-old Jeni expected to do while visiting Lake Itasca, Minnesota. Then she meets Ice, the local medicine man's apprentice. Suddenly, her simple family gathering becomes an exciting – and terrifying – week of self-discovery. At first Jeni doesn't believe Ice's claim that she can touch the spirit world and has somehow released a mythical underwater monster. However, she's forced to reconsider when a teen swears a monster killed his father while fishing on the lake. Just as she comes to accept truth, Jeni finds she is the only one who can imprison the monster, making her the creature's next target. She'll need immense faith in her newfound ability to put herself in harm's way and face down the monster. And even if she succeeds in delivering the local population – and Ice – from the creature's wrath, there is no guarantee Jeni will escape with her own life.

Ice sat motionless, staring at his knees. How had he managed to make such a mess of things? He'd felt comfortable with Jeni and her family too; thought the evening had progressed smoothly.
Then he'd looked down into Jeni's upturned face and lost it. Despite the smoky bonfire, he could smell her; the fragrance of an apple orchard in the fall. Then his gaze fell to her glossy, ripe lips and the reasonable explanation he had in mind vanished. Instead he'd just blurted something out and completely blew it.
With a heavy sigh, Ice stood. His footsteps dragged as he headed between the cottages to the resort drive.
Engulfed in despair, Ice didn't register the whisper until it came the second time. He turned to see Jeni's head poked out the side door. She edged outside when she saw him stop. She took a step toward the porch rail. "I'm sorry. I overreacted." She hugged her arms around her torso. "I…I do that sometimes. I should've at least given you a chance to explain why you wanted my statue."
Ice moved closer. "Yeah…well, I didn't mean to say…ask…not like that." Jeni watched him, waiting. Ice took a deep breath. "Thing is, you're not going to like the explanation anyway."
"Well," she contemplated the toe of her shoe as she bounced it on the rail. "I can't promise I'll like it, but I'll listen." When she looked up she wore the ghost of a smile.
Ice searched her face and thought for a long moment. No more lies; time to lay the cards on the table. He wasn't hopeful for any particular outcome, only resigned to do what he felt was right. "I owe you a story about the monster your statue represents, don't I?"
She nodded slowly, wearing a puzzled expression.
"Let's start there then." So he told her how long ago, when the underwater monster swam freely, the people were plagued by bad fishing, overturned canoes, and children drawn under by whirlpools when they went swimming. "Eventually," Ice explained, "the medicine men of neighboring tribes joined together to lure the creature here. They trapped him in a cavern near the sacred burial mounds of Lake Itasca and charmed him to sleep." Ice paused, and then finished his story with the events of the past two days. "Then, about a hundred years later, a priestess…” He stopped to look at her, “…buys an artifact and falls into the water with it in her pocket. Her connection to the spirits combined with the power of the statue wakes the underwater monster. So the local medicine man sends his apprentice to find the girl and get the statue back. If he fails, the monster will likely escape and people will start disappearing."
Jeni narrowed her eyes at him for a moment and then laughed. "I get it. Cute. You made it sound like I was part of the story."
Ice maintained a level stare. "You are part of the story."
Also by Barbara Pietron

After years in the corporate world, Barbara found herself with a second chance to decide what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her lifetime love of books and the written word returned one answer: writer. Drawing from her experience with technical writing, she began by writing non-fiction magazine pieces and achieved both regional and national publication. Her success encouraged her to complete a novel. She learned much from her first manuscript, critiques, books, contests, and blogs. In 2012, her novel Thunderstone, was a quarterfinalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest and won a critique by Publisher's Weekly. A few months later, she was offered publication by Scribe Publishing Company.
Barbara has a few other novels in the works, including a Thunderstone sequel. If she's not reading or writing, Barbara likes to walk, garden, and sew. She works in a library and lives in Royal Oak, Michigan with her husband, daughter, and their cat – who often acts like a dog.
Barbara Pietron, author of Thunderstone, is running a contest to title her next novel.
If your title idea is chosen as one of the top four
suggestions, you will win the book!
Based on the cover summary below, you
think of an amazing title. You know, the kind of title that compels a potential
reader to take the book off the shelf.
Then go to
and click on the News/Events page. You
can make your suggestion in the comment section of the post about the contest,
or click on the link which will take you to the Scribe Publishing website suggestion form. Your email will be added to Barbara's
list so she can keep you in the loop about the contest and the book.
If your suggestion is chosen as a top
four, you will win the new novel! Those top four entries will be posted for
readers to vote on their favorite. If your suggestion becomes the book title,
you'll be mentioned in the book!
Jack Ironwood knew exactly what he wanted. Until he got it.
was content to stay unnoticed by pretty and popular track-star, Natalie
Segetich, until her best friend Emma disappears. Natalie swears something took
Emma, and though most people write Natalie off as traumatized and confused,
Jack is a soulshifter and he knows the human-stealing Enuuki—hell's
messengers—are real.
As a
soulshifter, Jack can cross into the underworld so he sees Emma's rescue as an
opportunity to prove himself a valuable member of his transcendental sect—and a
way to secure a future otherwise out of his reach. Although he needs Natalie's
help to prepare for the mission, Jack intends to go to the underworld alone.
But as a viable plan takes shape, it's clear the best chance of success means
Natalie must accompany him.
the eve of the quest, when Jack is promised the hand of a respected elder's
daughter—a dream come true—he realizes he's no longer sure what he wants. But
it's too late to back out, not with the sect and Natalie counting on him.
Pursued by the dark lord's henchmen and ghastly mutant creatures, Jack and
Natalie struggle to come out ahead in a battle and barter for souls. In the
end, Jack will have to decide his own fate, because nothing short of a deal
with the devil will get all three of them out of hell alive.
Part one of the contest will run through
January 31st, 2015 and the voting will take place in February.