The thrilling, funny sequel to 'As You Wish'.
A Scotsman and an Englishman fall in love…
After the most amazing week of Declan Ramsay's life, at Dunloch Castle on the banks of Loch Ness, in Scotland. The charming, mysterious Samuel Aiken has turned Declan's life upside down. Declan has experienced a remarkable change. He has come to terms with the fact he is bisexual, and he has fallen head-over-heels in love with his boss’s son Sam.
However, falling for his boss’s son was never going to be an easy path to happiness, mainly because the boss in question is multi-millionaire property tycoon and former MI5 operative, Sir James Aiken.
Sir James is repulsed by his son’s homosexuality, and so discovering that his employee Declan Ramsay- the man he installed to run his luxury property rental empire- is in a relationship with Sam, does not go down well.
The lovers cannot hide from the looming presence of Sir James Aiken for long! Soon enough James makes his move, and Declan finds out what he will have to endure to stay with Sam, and what he will have to give to feel worthy of Sam's love.
**The story continues in "Return to Zero" (Shatterproof Bond #2)** This second book will be released on 6th June 2016
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Mikky: Today I'm very lucky to be interviewing San Aiken and Declan Ramsay, main characters of As You Wish and Illuminate the Shadows, both by Isobel Starling.
Guys, welcome and thank you for agreeing to this interview smile emoticon We're so excited to host you on our blog today.
Dec: Hullo Mikky, great te be here.
Sam: Hi Darling,
Mikky: God, I don't even know where to begin. It's my first character interview and I'm a little bit nervous. Bear with me, please. For those who don't know you yet, tell us a little bit about yourselves.
D: Sam, if you dinnae mind, shall we introduce each other?
S: Fine, lead on MacDuff!
D: Sam Aiken is the most amazing man i've ever known. He may only be 23, but he's lived a thousand lives in that time. He got a degree in Linguistics from Oxford at 16, and has been working all over the world as an interpreter. He speaks eleven languages, and has many special skills that I'm having fun discoverin'. Sam's very English, and most definitely an 'old school' charmer. It never ceases te fascinate how people are drawn te him, an' open up, telling him their deepest secrets. It took him only a day te wear me down, and i consider meself a tough nut te crack! Apart from his blond, boyish looks an' ball-achingly hot body, Sam's a joker. Life with him is full of intrigue, sex and laughter. Oh, did i say, I love the man, cos I do!
S: Fine, lead on MacDuff!
D: Sam Aiken is the most amazing man i've ever known. He may only be 23, but he's lived a thousand lives in that time. He got a degree in Linguistics from Oxford at 16, and has been working all over the world as an interpreter. He speaks eleven languages, and has many special skills that I'm having fun discoverin'. Sam's very English, and most definitely an 'old school' charmer. It never ceases te fascinate how people are drawn te him, an' open up, telling him their deepest secrets. It took him only a day te wear me down, and i consider meself a tough nut te crack! Apart from his blond, boyish looks an' ball-achingly hot body, Sam's a joker. Life with him is full of intrigue, sex and laughter. Oh, did i say, I love the man, cos I do!
Mikky: MacDuff! lol Oh, Sam ..
S: Declan Ramsay was the archetypal grumpy Scotsman when i first met him. But i knew at once, t beneath that scowl there was one hell of a handsome man. The fact that his deference were so tight was quite a challenge, and I had such fun breaking him down and taking his cherry. But what i didn't count on was falling so hard for him. Declan works for my father, Sir James Aiken. My father is homophobic, and so our relationship was always going to be tricky. Declan is strong, confident,masterful and very much in control when he's at work, showing London mansions to the rich and famous, but underneath his masculine demeanor lies the truest of Scotsmen. Declan has such a big heart, and he never does anything by halves. Once Declan has made a decision he sticks to it, no matter what. Having his love changed my life and now I couldn't imagine being without him.
Mikky: You two are so sweet!
D: I know I sound like a jessie, but when ye meet the one, it doesnae matter who knows.
Mikky: I totally agree. You should never have to hide who you are and who you love. Declan, first question for you. We can say that a new life has begun for you since you've met Sam. Or should we say since he, literally, ran into you? lol If you could change something, to start from that moment at the airport again, what would you change? Aside from the obvious. You know what I'm talking about.
Sam, same question for you.
S: Hey. He ran into me and nearly floored me with his bloomin' suitcase!!
D: Ye shoulda been lookin' where ye were goin'
S: Err, so should you. I mean, who could miss a blond hottie like me!
D: Ye were dressed like a hairy hippy
S: I was not! I was rugged and macho..
D: Aye, *snickers* Course ye were darlin' ! Sorry Mikky, that was very rude. Actually, I wouldnae change a thing. On the plane Sam was just an irritation that i couldnae wait te get rid of. Yes, I had no idea who he was at that point, and i was in such a foul humor that he coulda had the sun shining outa his arse and i wouldnae have noticed... well, me'be. But I think if things were different and Sam tried it on earlier, I may have reacted badly. It took me a while to realize what i was feelin', y'know I shudder te think about what a mistake that woulda been te reject him! Thank God fer "The Princess Bride" Movie!
S: Hmmm... If i could change anything, it would be my father!
Mikky:LOL! Let's just say you were both distracted and leave it at that.
Sam, I had a feeling you would say that.
S: Declan is just about perfect for me, and the way we got together was completely hot. I would change nothing about the way we met. Actually, thinking about it. I would ensure that Declan wore his kilt all the time. Yes, I think i could live with that!
Mikky: Perv!
S: Is that a problem?
Mikky: No. Not at all grin emoticon I should book a trip to Scotland as soon as possible. It's been on my bucket list for years.
D: Oh aye, let us know when yer comin' we'll take ye out to the hills... me'be fer a wee dram!
Mikky: I would love that! Now that we know how everything started, tell us how does it feel to be, in a way, forced to take the next step in your relationship when neither of you was really ready for that? How has moving together impacted you both as a couple?
D: Well, hearin' Sam had moved in was unexpected, and really, I had no choice in the matter. I've never had a live in lover before and used te enjoy my alone time, but the apartment is big and seriously, when it comes down to it, I now have my lover and best friend te sample mah cookin', and blow jobs on tap. What's not te love?
S: I think living together has bought us closer. We fell in love and then were parted for months, so we never even had a first date. Living together gave us the opportunity to get to know each other fast. I love having someone to come home to. I love having someone to kiss goodnight... and the wall to wall sex... let’s just say I have no complaints!
Mikky: These are the benefits. Let's hear the annoying parts about living together. What habits does your partner has that makes you want to hit him upside the head? Tell us something that we don't already know, something that it's not in the book.
S: Oh Declan's a bit of a closet gourmet, so he'll stick just about anything in his mouth! He loves smelly cheeses. He has some 'Stinking Bishop' cheese in the fridge last week, i was nearly sick when i smelled it. I told him to eat it all, to get rid of it, but I swear his spunk tasted weird afterwards.
Mikky: LOL! You're killing me!
D: Sam doesnae know, but, he talks in his sleep.
S: No I don't.
D: Aye, ye do. It's kinda entertaining actually. Sometimes ye wake me up wi' all yer crazy talk and I ask ye questions.
S: What? Have you been implanting words in my brain? I bet one day you'll say a random word and I'll start dancing the Charleston.
D: Me'be, me'be not. You'll just have te wait and see! *snickers*
Mikky: Go, D! You should be afraid, Sam. Very afraid. Lol
Speaking about dates, How does your ideal date night look like? We all know about Valentine's so, give something else.*snickers*
D: We take turn's when it comes te dates. Sam loves te go dancin'... I'm no dancer, but I love te watch him move. I love te see that hungry look in other men's eyes, and know he's comin' home wi' me! Personally, I've done the whole online dating thing and I hated it. There is no ideal date. Sam knows I'm happiest if we're at a nice restaurant, wi' good food an' good company... then go home te bed!
S: Yes, I love to shake my booty, but when we go dancing, my sister Annabelle and her girls usually tag along, they feel like they need a token gay to get access to gay clubs, and who am I to refuse. Declan really doesn't mind. He knows that he's in for some fun once we get home! For intimate dates, I prefer it when we stay at home and Declan cooks for me. He does the main course, I do dessert!
D: Generally, ye ARE dessert!
Mikky: We don't know much about your hobbies. What do you like to do in your spare time?
D: Aye, ye do! Ye know i like collecting rocks, reading, movies, cookin', fuckin'. We go te the gym at The Connaught Hotel and jog around Hyde Park when we have time.
S: Oh and don't forget the clothes shopping!
D: Och aye, we like te browse fer designer suits,but i'll usually no' buy until the sales.
S: Even though we can afford them now!
D: Are ye mad? Some of the prices are ridiculous! I wouldnae pay those kinda prices!
S: My hobbies... their rather sad and solitary actually. I love to read, I do yoga, we watch movies and sometimes go to gigs, but to be honest, when i'm not working I really just want to be in bed with my man... he is my favourite hobby.
Mikky: Where do you guys see yourselves in, say.. 10 years?
D: Together. I dinnae care where in the world we are, just as long as were together.
S: I couldn't agree more. My only other hope is that by that time,my father will have found a new hobby.
D: Aye, chasing parked cars me'be! *They both snicker*
S: Thanks for the interview.
D: Aye, Thanks Mikky, that was a good laugh.
Mikky: Thank you so much for the chat and for taking the time to answer my questions! Al the very best to both of you xx
~~Mikky's Note: Every beautiful image in this blog post belongs to the author. They have been painted by her. Yes, she is a great artist, isn't she?~~
Inspiration strikes at the strangest of times.
Born in Germany, Isobel Starling spent most of her twenty-year professional career making art. She relocated to the UK and,faced with the dreaded artist’s creative block, Isobel started to write and found she loved it more than making art.
Isobel’s first novel “Schonling” was a best seller in the GLBT-Bisexual genre on the ‘All Romance ebooks’ site.
She has just completed her sixth book, and signed French translation rights for novella “As You Wish”.
She adores the M/M genre and enjoys writing about wounded souls and the complexities of personal relationships.
Despite not having found proof yet, Isobel believes in love at first sight and endeavours to give her men a thrilling journey and a satisfying ending!