Once with him was never enough. I am the girl you dislike. The girl you snub at parties. I am the one who flirts with men and knows no boundaries. I am the one you whisper about. The one who has no rules. I am the one who takes and uses without any regret or excuses. On the outside I am perfect. I have money, looks, and a personality that makes people stand up and take notice, but on the inside I am broken and hurting. Then I met Cash Marshall. He wasn’t what I needed, but I wanted him anyway. It was Cash’s carved, muscular body I thought about. It was his cool, confident touch I craved. I swore he would only be a one-night stand, another distraction to take away the pain. But then our world changed. Our story is not about love. Love is pretty and sweet and full of niceties. Those no longer exist. Our story is about finding each other again in a world gone crazy. It’s about surviving the impossible when war ravaged our land. It’s about saving each other from the darkness and finding out just how strong we could be. And maybe, just maybe, along the way, we’ll find love… Once and for all.

I pulled my arms from his shoulder, untangling myself from him. His eyes were gray pools of emotions as he looked at me, maybe seeing me for what I really was.
A girl that had sex on the first date and in a public restroom.
I had never felt shame before but I did just then. I avoided his eyes and pulled away from him. He let me go, easing out of me gently. I suddenly missed him in me. The thought was terrifying. It was something I had never thought of before when I was with a man. So why now and why him?
He kept his gaze on me as he lifted me off the counter and pulled my dress down. I wanted to cry at his tenderness and beg for it to disappear. I couldn’t handle it. I could barely handle the man that had walked in here - controlling, domineering, and seductive as hell.
I averted my eyes as he removed the condom and threw it in the trash then zipped up his jeans. I had never been embarrassed by such an intimate act but something about Cash doing it affected me. For the first time in my pitiful life, I was embarrassed for the girl I was.
Cash picked my panties up from the floor and offered them to me. I reached for them, still refusing to look at him, but the domineering man wasn’t gone yet.
He grasped my wrist, not allowing me to take the panties from him.
I raised my eyes to his. He gritted his teeth and took a step toward me, trapping me between him and the counter again. His body brushed against mine, making the need he had just extinguish minutes ago flare to life again.
He slid his hand around my nape, drawing me toward him one more time.
“Jesus, Cat,” he whispered, lowering his head and touching his lips to mine.
I stood still as he kissed me, wondering what the hell he thought he was doing. We fucked. It was supposed to be over now. A wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of date. But I was afraid we were far from done.
His mouth was gentle. Tender. I felt worshiped when minutes ago I felt claimed. He kissed me like he cared. Like I was his.
Not just his for tonight.
Too soon his lips left mine and he let go of me, taking one step back.
“Come have dinner with me,” he said in a voice that oozed sex but promised he would be nice. “Please.”
Two years! This is how long I’ve been waiting for this book. And it’s finally here!!
The story starts before the war, before the world as we know it came to an end.
Catarina is spoiled, rich, beautiful but also damaged. She can have any man she wants and she knows that.
She’s not interested in relationships, her motto being bag them and leave them.
Then, she meets this one guy…
Cash is a sexy cowboy who works hard and takes care of his farm.
Here, we get to see another side of him, we get to know how he was BEFORE.
And he was so different but such an event can change anyone. The chemistry between him and Catarina is strong but, before they can discover what they could have, everything goes haywire.
I loved this series from the beginning.
Promise Me is one of those stories that gets under your skin and makes you stop and think.
Catarina and Cash will have to learn to survive in a world where there’s only darkness and where no one is safe, they’ll have to take care of their families and maybe, one day, they’ll find their way back to each other.
In Promise Me Darkness & Promise Me Light we meet a cold, calculating, lethal Cash and in Promise Me Once you’ll find out what made him turn into that kind of person.
His journey, just like everyone else’s, hasn’t been easy and he’s done and seen a lot of things.
All in all, I can say that I loved this book. Paige sure knows how to tell a story and how to create fascinating characters.
Promise Me is one of the best series I’ve read and it can be counted among the firsts on my favorites list.
If you want something different, something where the world is not perfect and the characters have to worry about something else than what they’re going to wear the next day, this is the book, the series for you.
You won’t regret giving it an opportunity.
I highly recommend it.
Happy Reading!!

Paige Weaver is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Many hours of her childhood were spent getting lost between the pages of a book, disappearing into other worlds. That turned into a love for writing at a young age. She lives in Texas with her husband and two children.