June 10, 2015

Release Day Blitz- Excerpt & Giveaway! The Consequences of Revenge, Consequences #2 by Rachel Van Dyken

After losing his best friend to another guy, the notoriously too-confident Max Emory suddenly feels lost. He may have devastatingly good looks, an abundance of charm, and a claim to one of the biggest hotel empires around, but he has no ambition anymore. So when his fed-up friends decide they’ve had enough of his moping, they sign him up to be the next bachelor on the reality series Love Island. And between his pride and his forged signature on an ironclad contract, Max just can’t say no. Now he’s stranded in paradise with twenty-four women, oneterrifying goat, and Becca, the breathtaking barista who already turned him down back home. The closer Max gets to Becca, the more determined he becomes to win her over. As she gets to know him better, things start heating up. But is Becca really after Max’s heart—or is she after the cash prize she could claim once the cameras stop rolling?


“And . . .” She held up her hand like she was doing a damn countdown! “You’re kind of, like . . .” She leaned forward and whispered, “A bit . . .” Her eyes teased. “Metro.”

“As in . . . ,” I baited her.

“Feminine,” she snapped. “Yup, that’s the word. And Max, I mean that in the nicest way possible.”

“You mean . . .” I licked my lips, then slapped the water. “In the kindest way you can possibly say it, ‘Oh, look, Max has boobs’? Or you mean it in the way that says I lack the proper sexual magnetism to get your engine going?”

Becca rolled her eyes. “Hey, I didn’t come here to fight. I was just going to go over our date for tomorrow without the watchful eyes of Big Brother.”

“Hmm.” She was looking down at her feet. So I did what any desperate man who’d just been insulted in the worst way possible would do. I grabbed her feet, dragged her into the water, creating a huge splash, and then, when her head popped up for air, I gave her something else.

My tongue.

Kissing Becca could become a very nice, very addicting . . . pastime. Her lips were soft, pliant, but her hands were beating against my chest. Ah, classic move. Listen up, men: women fight us because they’re expected to. They have to put up the fight so they don’t come off as easy. So the next time a girl hits you in the chest, go with it, kiss her harder. It just means she wants more, especially when her chest is heaving and her tongue is doing . . . that. Yeah, exactly. Oh. Hell. Damn. Kill me now. When her tongue is doing that? Becca’s tongue pushed against mine and then she sucked.

I felt said sucking all the way through my body.

When she stopped fighting me, I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her as close against me as I could, and then pulled away.

Her eyes furrowed with confusion as she tried to lean forward.

I pulled back again, and swam her over to the ladder.

“Thanks, Becca,” I whispered. “I needed a little motivation.”


“Game on.” I helped her up and followed. “And by the way . . .” I grabbed her hands and moved her flat palms from my chest all the way down to my waist. “I’m anything but feminine. Have a good night.” As I walked away, I did what any sane man would do. I paused so she could get her fill and realize that yes, I was, in fact, still naked. And when I heard her gasp, I turned around and saluted her in more ways than one.

Point. Max.


Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor. She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers! Want to be kept up to date on new releases.

Text MAFIA to 66866! You can connect with her on Facebook or join her fan group Rachel's New Rockin Readers. Her website is www.rachelvandykenauthor.com

June 8, 2015

Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway! Scent of the Heart, Shifting Needs #2 by Parker Williams

Casey Scott grew up being told he’d never amount to anything, and despite the unwavering

love and support from his best friend, Jake, the idea sticks in the back of Casey’s mind. When he

discovers he has a unique destiny in an enclave where shifters and humans live together, he

seizes the chance, wanting for once in his life to be someone special.

Tsvetok Yerokhin lost his parents to the evil ruler of the enclave when he was a boy. The

responsibilities of raising his two younger brothers nearly overwhelmed him and self-doubt

took over. When the new Alpha and his Protector arrive in time to save his life, Sev is grateful,

but he’s even more shocked when he scents his mate with them.

Casey isn’t prepared for the feelings that sweep over him when he meets Sev, but he refuses to

act on them because he’s straight. Still, there is something so alluring about Sev that Casey can’t

help being drawn to him.

As the two explore the edges of their new discovery, an evil returns, determined to control the

enclave or destroy it. The Alpha and Protector are powerless to stop it, but Casey holds the key

to victory. If he can discover what it is, he has a chance to save them all. To be the hero.

Unfortunately, the hero has to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, and for Casey that

means losing his heart.

Casey had slept in the early evening, exhausted from his activities of the day. First the twins came, and their birth wasn’t easy. One of them, the boy, refused to come out. Normally shifter births were in and out in less than an hour. This one had kept him elbow deep for four. When the child was finally born, he had a full head of fluffy gray hair, indicative of his mother’s rabbit side. When they’d asked his advice on what to name their new son, Casey had said Thumper. His parents had fallen in love with the name, and Casey learned that people who had never seen a movie had no idea what humor was.

Then there was the incident with the stupid skunk in the forest. He hoped to hell Jake never found out, because after all the crap Casey had given him, he knew for a fact there would be hell to pay.

His intent had been to sleep a few hours, then try another dreamwalk. They always left him drained when he didn’t have a tether to this world. Casey shook his head. Six months ago he never would have talked about different worlds, men that could become animals, or ghosts outside of his weekly Dungeons and Dragons game. Now it seemed he was actually living a campaign. He was a shaman, a wizard of sorts. Jake was a paladin, righteous and good. Zak was…well, Zak probably would have been royalty. With his demeanor and attitude, he would have made a great king.

He’d been dozing fitfully; his dreams filled with visions of future events, where a fork in the road left him with too many decisions. One was life, the other was death, but both were fraught with peril. The knocking at his door had jolted him awake, and he was actually glad for it.

Sev looked absolutely miserable as he stood at the door. This would be only the second time the man had come to see Casey. Most everyone else in the enclave had stopped by, even for a friendly visit, numerous times. Yet Sev always hung back. This time, Casey needed to understand what was going on.

When they came in contact, skin on skin, Casey had no idea what happened. A surge ran up the length of his arm, seemingly connecting him to Sev. He could tell the man across from him needed his help. Sev was different from all the others in the enclave who’d come and talked to him in the last six months. He didn’t need advice; what he needed was someone to understand.

Sev sat at the table, looking for all the world as if he were lost. He sipped the calming tea that Casey had brewed, his eyes downcast as he told Casey his story—the death of his parents, the problems he now had with his brothers, and his uncertainty that he was doing the right thing. Never before had Casey wanted to pull someone into his arms and promise them that everything would be all right. He’d heard so many stories after Elizar’s defeat—beatings, rape, murder, and still he was able to maintain a detachment. Not with Sev.

“How can I help?”

Sev sighed. “I don’t know that you can. I just wanted to talk to someone.”

Casey could see the shine of tears when Sev finally lifted his head, and his chest tightened as he stood and wrapped his arms around the man. He didn’t have words, and he couldn’t think of any other way to comfort him. Not one of the salves, potions, ointments, teas, or other remedies on his shelves had the power to offer the healing that a hug brought.

“Thank you, my mate.”

The words were so soft Casey was certain he had misheard them.

Parker Williams believes that true love exists, but it always comes with a price. No happily ever after can ever be had without work, sweat, and tears that come with melding lives together. 

Living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Parker held his job for nearly 28 years before he decided to retire and try new things. He enjoys his new life as a stay-at-home author and also working on Pride-Promotions, an LGBT author promotion service.

Roxana's Reviews! Every Day (Zi dupa Zi), Every Day #1 by David Levithan

Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl.

There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere.

It’s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin’s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone he wants to be with—day in, day out, day after day.

Am citit Zi După Zi la recomandarea celei mai bune prietene. Sinopsisul a fost foarte interesant , aÅŸa că mi-am spus “De ce nu?” 

Aceasta este povestea lui A, un adolescent care se trezeÅŸte în corpul unei persoane diferite în fiecare zi. Nu contează dacă vorbim despre un băiat sau o fată. 

Nedorindu-ÅŸi să le perturbe vieÅ£ile acestora cât timp “locuieÅŸte” în trupurile lor, A ÅŸi-a stabilit câteva reguli stricte pe care le urmează în mod supus. 

ÃŽnsă, într-o zi, A o întalneÅŸte pe Rhiannon iar acele reguli nu mai par chiar atât de importante. Aceasta este iubita lui Justin, băiatul în corpul căruia A se trezeÅŸte într-o dimineaţă. E deÅŸteaptă, frumoasă, e imposibil să nu o placi ÅŸi pare să fie să fie ÅŸi punctul slab în armura lui A. 

Am un singur cuvânt ca să descriu stilul de scris al lui David Levithan – minunat. 

Este foarte interesant să vedem cum autorul a reuÅŸit să creeze un personaj care este capabil să se adapteze la atâtea vieÅ£i diferite ÅŸi să-ÅŸi păstreze propriile reguli, deoarece nu e uÅŸor pentru cineva să-ÅŸi menÅ£ină aceleaÅŸi valori ÅŸi concepÅ£ii după ce a trecut prin atâtea experienÅ£e. 

Un alt motiv pentru care am fost intrigată ÅŸi captivată de poveste este felul în care m-a făcut să vreau să aflu mai multe despre oamenii ale căror vieÅ£i au fost ‘furate’ pentru o zi. 

Această carte ne dovedeÅŸte că ESTE posibil să ne îndrăgostim de caracterul unui om, nu numai de aspectul său ÅŸi că frumuseÅ£ea sufletului o eclipsează pe cea fizică de fiecare dată. 

Un lucru pe care l-am învăţat citind Zi După Zi este acela că a iubi o persoană înseamnă să sacrifici totul pentru bunăstarea ÅŸi fericirea acesteia. 

Recomand tuturor această carte şi acest autor. Sunt sigură că şi celelalte opere sunt la fel de fascinante.

I read Day after Day at my best friends recommendation. The synopsis was really intriguing so I thought “Why not?”.

This is the story of A, a teenager who wakes up in the body of a different person every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl. 

Not wanting to disturb their lives while “inhabiting” their bodies, A has set some very strict rules which are followed obediently.

But, one day, A meets Rhiannon and those rules don’t seem so important anymore.

She is Justin’s girlfriend and he’s the boy A wakes up as one morning. 

She’s smart, beautiful and impossible not to like and she seems to be his downfall. 

There’s one word to describe Davis Levithan’s writing style – wonderful. 

It is extremely interesting to see how the author managed to create a character who is able to adapt to so many different lives and still follow his own rules because it isn’t easy for someone to maintain the same values and conceptions after being thorugh so many experiences. 

Another reason I was captivated and intrigued by this story was the way it made me want to find out more about the lives of the people who’s lives were “stolen” for a day. 

This book proves to us that it IS possible to fall in love with a person’s character and not only with their aspect and that the beauty of someone’s soul outshines the physical one every single time. 

One thing I have learned from One Day is that loving someone means sacrificing everything for their well being and happiness. 

I recommend to everyone this book and this author. I am sure that his other creations are as fascinating as this one.

David Levithan (born 1972) is an American children's book editor and award-winning author. He published his first YA book, Boy Meets Boy, in 2003. Levithan is also the founding editor of PUSH, a Young Adult imprint of Scholastic Press.

Release Day Blitz! Too Far Gone, Adirondack Pack #1 by K.C. Stewart

Amazon US | UK | CA

It’s either the beginning or the end for Sadie James. She came to the small Adirondack town of Andora looking for a fresh start. One that didn’t include the pitying looks of strangers who saw her on the news. Only days into her new life and already she is in trouble. That is, unless the wolf in front of her was salivating at the sight of some other woman in the vast forest around her.

After killing his sister, Tyson searched for oblivion the only way he knew how to. As a wolf he could run from the life he left behind and become the animal he always was. The time between lucidness grows longer each times he surfaces. One day he won’t be able to come back at all. It was the only thing he looked forward to until a lost woman fell at his feet.

Sadie is in danger and she is blind to it. Although, it was never proven, Tyson always believed Jack was behind his sister’s ultimate demise. Now Jack has his sights set on Sadie. Can he fight the pull of the wild or will he let her face the wolves alone?

Amazon US | UK | CA

K.C. Stewart is the self published author of the Hailey Holloway series and most recently, the Adirondack Pack series. All her life she had fantasized and day dreamed on a regular basis but it wasn’t until she began writing flash fiction and that she made those fantasies a reality. Now she has graduated to novels but still dabbles in the occasional flash fiction and short story. Because of her love for reading and the written word, K.C. is currently continuing her education at Clarion University for Library Science. When she isn’t taking photographs, studying or writing, she is supporting a very real gummy bear habit. Currently, she lives with her boyfriend, german shepherd and cats in central Pennsylvania.

Sale Blitz! One Day at a Wedding Series, Four Novellas - One Great Story by Kelly Rae

ODAAW Banner Sale

Bride in wedding day in lavender field

Once Upon a Wedding Story 

Cassie Anderson, bridesmaid extraordinaire, is tired of attending her friend’s weddings either solo, or with her best friend, Thad. Finding a real date is simply too much work. Especially when she sees an old acquaintance from high school, Dan, at her friend Shelley’s wedding. After the spark shared between them, Dan has become the object of her affection. Too bad he has a nasty habit of having a date on his arm at every turn. Stealing another woman's date is against the rules, but if she could just catch him alone…well, that would be fair game! Unfortunately, timing is everything, and she and Dan seem to have the worst. Always the bridesmaid, walking away with nothing more than a dreadful dress,

Cassie is committed to changing her luck and getting her man.

Once Upon a Wedding

Every Other Wedding 

Cassie Anderson has been the girl of Dan’s dreams since high school. Unfortunately, her return to his life comes at the worst time possible. As he tries to put his life back together, he keeps an eye on her, hoping to find her single at the right time. A time when it all hurts a bit less. A time when he can offer her all of the love she deserves. After three weddings of happenstance meetings, Dan finds himself to be a little more ready for everything that is Cassie. Putting himself out there, he can only hope she is everything he thinks she might be — his forever girl.

Anything but a Wedding 

Thad never expected to find anyone who meant more to him than his best friend, Cassie. She was the one woman he loved enough not to sleep with. He was a player, but an honest one. Unfortunately, not everyone felt that balanced out his love 'em and leave 'em ways. He just didn't see a need to settle down — yet. Then, he met Brianna, who made him think about the future — a future with her — which was a new experience for Thad. Brianna is also a new kind of woman and convincing her that they have a future might just be the challenge of his life.

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Not One More Wedding

Brianna works through men like she works through her closet — seasonally. Any other way has always been trouble. When she meets Thad, she is thrilled. Not only does he intrigue and excite her, but he is just like her — noncommittal. He sets her on fire with his smooth talk and honest approach to dating. Even without being physical beyond a kiss, the thought of him makes her entire body hum. Except, Thad has gone and gotten attached to her in a way neither of them expected; attached in a way she simply cannot allow. Unfortunately, he won't allow their relationship to become physical until she surrenders her heart to him, which is a battle she isn’t sure she can win. The longer it lasts, the less sure she becomes of wanting it to.

ODAAW Teaser2

Bonus Story! When Cassie Met Thad

Were you curious about how Cassie and Thad met? Read all about their story in this bonus story exclusive to this version.

Excerpt from Once Upon a Wedding Book One:

“Cassie. Cassie, did you see who’s here?” Shelley tugged at her skirt, trying to get her attention directed toward the back of the church.

“What’s the matter with you?” she asked Shelley and then turned to face the back of the church. “Ohh, now I see what you mean.”

“And yet, you ignored me,” Thad said from the other side.

She just blew him off with a wave. He would get over it in two seconds or less anyway.

There he stood, looking as dapper as a GQ cover. His suit was a very nice shade of blue, with a white shirt and what appeared to be a pinstripe tie. By the time Shelley had gotten her attention, he had already selected a pew and scooted by people for a seat. The most important thing Cassie noticed was his lack of a date.

Who doesn’t take their fiancée to a wedding?

This could be a good sign. Of course, she would have to do some more investigating before she determined whether he had a single status at this point, or remained affianced. It then dawned on her that she, herself, had brought a date to the wedding. She took her eyes off Dan long enough to glance over at Thad, currently very busy staring at the legs of the woman next to him.

Boy, can I pick ‘em. Even my pretend boyfriends are losers.

“Thad, do you think you could be a little more discrete about your appreciation for our neighbor there?” she asked through gritted teeth, trying to keep her disdain to a low roar.

“Oh, shit, I’m sorry Cassie. But did you see her calves? I swear, it’s just a professional thing,” he said this with the gigolo grin, his specialty, one that hardly ever worked on Cassie. Hardly ever.

“If this is where you tell me how you’re a critic and you were just admiring her legs in a professional manner, don’t bother,” Cassie uttered in her most stern, yet quiet, voice. “You critique the arts, Thad, her legs are not performing.”

“I could argue that point, but seeing how your face is scrunching up at me, I won’t. You’re right, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

Thad did his best to appear remorseful and even went so far as to kiss her forehead and squeeze her hand. She did not squeeze back.

To Cassie’s way of thinking, the fact that he had been holding her hand the whole time, including while checking out the lady’s legs next to them, made it a little worse. What could she say, though, considering she had been waiting and hoping for the appearance of another man?

She turned her head and caught Dan glancing in her direction. His mouth immediately curved up into a smile and he waved in Cassie’s direction. Cassie returned the smile and raised her left hand to reciprocate the wave, realizing she’d brought Thad’s hand along with her. Making it obvious that she had brought a date to the wedding, she immediately dropped Thad’s hand. Too late. She knew Dan had seen already.

Damn it!

Kelly Rae

Kelly Rae is mom to an amazing young man. Everything else is just a way to keep busy between laughs with her son, or a way to pay for his sports equipment and growing feet. When she was twelve years old, she hit the big leagues by winning a Young Authors Award (okay, okay, it was only within her school district. Shh.) Although she has been unable to duplicate this success in her adult writing, she is giving it her best shot. Kelly, her son, and their chocolate lab, live in the Pacific Northwest where they enjoy the sun when it shines and the snow when it falls. When they aren't dancing in the rain or singing at the top of their lungs in the car, they are planning their dream vacations...which they might even get to take some day.

June 7, 2015

Mikky's Shelf: Book of the Month & Review featuring Carol Pavliska, Kindle Alexander and Andrew Grey


Unfortunately, this time we're a little bit late in posting our Book of the Month Recap. Sometimes, life happens and one thing leads to another so fast. But, we're back on track (hopefully) and here are our recommendations. 

Carter Schunk is a dedicated police officer with a difficult past and a big heart. When he’s called to a domestic disturbance, he finds a fatally injured woman, and a child, Alex, who is in desperate need of care. Child Services is called, and the last man on earth Carter wants to see walks through the door. Carter had a fling with Donald a year ago and found him as cold as ice since it ended. 

Donald (Ice) Ickle has had a hard life he shares with no one, and he’s closed his heart to all. It’s partly to keep himself from getting hurt and partly the way he deals with a job he’s good at, because he does what needs to be done without getting emotionally involved. When he meets Carter again, he maintains his usual distance, but Carter gets under his skin, and against his better judgment, Donald lets Carter guilt him into taking Alex when there isn’t other foster care available. Carter even offers to help care for the boy. 

Donald has a past he doesn’t want to discuss with anyone, least of all Carter, who has his own past he’d just as soon keep to himself. But it’s Alex’s secrets that could either pull them together or rip them apart—secrets the boy isn’t able to tell them and yet could be the key to happiness for all of them.

Wow. Just, wow, Mr. Grey. I stand in awe.

I don’t know how to tell you how much I loved this story.

Donald has seen too much and been through so much that his heart is closed off to any kind of feelings. Everyone calls him Ice and he knows it, but he’s fine with that because it’s true. He is cold and rejects anyone who might want to get close to him since opening up his heart means giving someone the power to hurt him and he’s had enough of that. Until he meets one stubborn man.

Carter comes from a big, loud and not at all perfect family. He loves his job as a police officer but, he wants something more. He wants to be out there, with the others, patrolling the streets instead of being forever segregated behind a computer. His wish is granted but his first shift on patrol ends up badly.

Now Carter has to deal with a scared, broken child and an equally scared and broken man with whom he spent one weekend of passion, just to be frozen by his attitude and his rejection right after that.

Let me tell you this – I loved these two men from the beginning, which doesn’t always happen where I’m concerned.

Even when Donald acted as a jerk, I couldn’t help but like him.

And Carter. Oh, God. He’s so strong and fierce when it comes to doing his job but so patient and sweet when he’s around Alex and Donald. 

The tenderness he shows the other man … breathtaking. There were times when I had tears in my eyes while reading because the moment was so full of emotion. 

The intimate moments are so perfectly described that you’ll feel like you’ve been transported into the book and you’re living the scene yourself. I have chills running down my spine just thinking about it.

Alex. That poor boy broke my heart over and over again. As a mother of a young child myself I wanted to wrap him in my arms, hold him and protect him from everything and everyone that might harm him.

It’s sad and scary to think that there are so many children in that exact situation and they’re completely helpless. 

We live in a messed up world.

This being said, if you liked Fire and Water, you are going to love this one. The series get’s better and better with every book. And now, the waiting begins for volume three.

Happy Reading!

Gage Synclair, international, hard-hitting investigative photojournalist, is preparing for the final special report of his career…a story of deception and murder six long years in the making. And after ten years in some of the worst parts of the world, he’s ready to settle life down and open an art gallery in his hometown of Chicago. The only thing getting in his way, he needs to find a competent electrician to finish the job before his grand opening.

Trent Cooper, electrical contractor, is surprised by the last minute request for a fast-paced electrical remodel, wanting nothing more than to get his foot in the door with Layne Construction. Being gay in the construction industry isn’t easy, nor is being father to his two young adopted children. Trent keeps his life in separate zones to avoid a short circuit. But when the gallery owner propositions him on the first day, Trent can’t help but think his worlds are a little too close for comfort.

Will their high-voltage passion spark everlasting love or will their lives break the circuit between them forever?

My Thoughts - I love Kindle. Or should I say, the Kindle team. These two ladies manage to create magic together. 
I know there are authors out there that partner in writing books but none of the novels I've read came out as good as what Kindle creates.
I've read all of their books but The Current Between Us will forever be my favorite. Gage and Trent have a special place in my heart. 
This is one of my comfort reads, one of the books I read with the same pleasure over and over again when nothing else is good enough.
I highly recommend it to anyone. Just one thing - I'm calling dibs and these two gentlemen. They're MINE! 
You can find my review HERE!
***This was a re-read for me but it was worth mentioning***

And the 1st prize in May goes to Color Me Crazy by Carol Pavliska

Never fall for a rockstar...

Julian Wheaton views the world through a kaleidoscope of synesthesia, seeing the colors of every sound he hears. His life as an iconic rock guitarist was a stressful psychedelic trip that nearly destroyed him. Now he’s abandoned the rock ’n’ roll lifestyle for the peaceful sanctity of his recording studio, but when fiery Cleo Compton comes to work for him, she brings chaos with her.

Cleo Compton has had her flings with rockstars—and it’s left her wary and bruised. Julian may have those sexy bedroom eyes and drool-worthy tattoos, but Cleo is determined to keep things strictly professional—until Julian turns out to be every dream she’s ever chased. When he risks it all to hit the road with a band again, Cleo fears he’ll return as the one thing she can no longer abide—a rockstar.

My Thoughts - The one word that perfectly describes this book is MINDBLOWING! I loved every single minute of it. The characters are funny, smart, charming and so easy to fall in love with.
A rockstar with a trouble past and a unique ability. 
A girl who seems to attract trouble at every step.
When their worlds collide more than a few sparks will fly. 
This is one book you do not want to miss. It's hard to believe that it is Carol's debut novel. She did an amazing job and I can't wait to get my hands on her next novel.
You can read my review HERE
Oh, and since you're here,you might want to join Carol's Facebook Group - Ladies Who Rock.
There's a lot of fun to be had and there's always the chance to win some prize. Oh, let's not forget the eye candy *wink*

~*~ And that was all for the month of May. I really hope you'll give these authors and novels a chance and, please, share your thoughts with us. See you next month with more recommendations! Happy Reading!! ~*~

June 6, 2015

Mikky's Reviews! For Mac by Brynn Stein

Buy Your Copy HERE

Branson Farrell lost his parents when he was thirteen, and for the last ten years his brother, Mac, eight years his senior, has taken care of him. But Mac’s love came at a price. Both brothers were raised to believe being gay was completely unacceptable, and Branson has almost convinced himself he can be what Mac expects. When he looks at a man in a bar and Mac notices, Mac drags him off in horror.

Mac’s distress and disgust leads to a car accident that leaves Branson injured and Mac in a coma. Branson heals and stays at Mac’s bedside, but when Mac doesn’t recover, he is moved to a long-term care facility. There, Branson meets openly gay, confident, and attractive Liam Sullivan. Liam stirs feelings Branson thought he’d rid himself of, and to honor his brother, Branson fights tooth and nail against his attraction. When the cost of denying who he is becomes too high, Branson must battle a lifetime of hatred that’s been beaten into his body and mind to try for something of his own.

This had the potential of being one of the best stories I’ve read in a while. The idea behind it was brilliant. Unfortunately, the author kind of failed at putting her thoughts on paper.

For Mac is the story of a man who’s struggling to overcome his fears and what has been drilled into his mind all his life, all this while dealing with the fact that he might lose the only family he has left.

Mac is controlling, cold and sometimes downright abusive. Yes, he had a rough upbringing with mostly absent parents and, later, had to assume the role of a parent himself when they were gone.

He makes it his mission in life to dictate his younger brother’s life and make him as submissive as possible, resorting to fists when harsh words are not enough.

Branson is a complete mess, emotionally and psychologically. While very intelligent and perfectly capable of taking care of himself, he’s been under his older brother’s control for years and he’s reached a point where his every action or thought is conditioned by the fear of disappointing Mac.

He’s struggling with accepting who he is, unconsciously embarking on a path that will lead to his self destruction.

Liam. Well, Liam was a little bit to perfect for my taste. He’s good looking, has the perfect, supportive family, his childhood has been perfect and he’s out and proud. He’s also this compassionate soul who’s willing to give everything without asking for anything in return. See my point?

Let’s get to the story.

This novel has been a huge pile of contradictions interspersed with incorrect details. But we’ll get to those in a minute.

Two of my biggest petpeeves could be found in this book- the skipping of large periods of time and making a subject sound so important and then just brushing it off.

Dear authors- DON’T do that. It’s annoying as hell.

I’ve ranted about the time thing over and over again and I’ll do it once more. I absolutely hate it when I’m reading and, all of a sudden, a few weeks/months/years have passed, the story and the characters are at a completely new stage and you don’t give any clue as to what might have happened during that period and how they have reached this point. God, why?!?!

Think about it this way – you’re talking to someone, you listen to their story and, just like that, with no explanation, they disappear, only to return a certain period of time later, completely changed and refusing to give you any details about what has happened and where they’ve been all this time but pretending to move on just like that. 

Frustrating, huh? Well, it frustrates me also whenever this happens in a book. So, don’t.

Then, there is the matter of making something sound so important, like it’s an essential detail in the development of the story, and then just brush it off like it didn’t even happened.

Why make such a big deal out of it in the first place? 

See, these things might not seem important to you but, to a curious mind like mine, they are and it drives me up a freakin’ wall when I can’t get any kind of detail.

Now, let’s get back to what I was saying before about the incorrect details.

A piece of advice - when choosing to talk about a medical condition in your book, ALWAYS make sure you have the facts straight. In cases like this, Google is definitely NOT your friend. You can use it just to gain some generic knowledge but, if you want to get into details, try talking to someone that can actually give you some accurate info. 

A heart can be revived with electrical shocks only so many times until it completely ceases any activity for a number of reasons.

While Mac and Branson’s story is sad and heartbreaking, I really couldn’t get into it. All their lives before the accident are explained in fifteen or twenty pages in the beginning and then, it goes on and on about Bran’s struggle to cope with Mac’s condition and his feelings.

Details kept popping here and there that took me completely by surprise because I had no idea where to place them and how to connect them.

There was a discontinuity between each phrase, each fragment and a lot of jumping from one thing to another that made it very difficult to keep up with what was going on.

I really, really tried to like it, to ignore all these things but it didn’t work.

Only in the last 25% of the book I started to “feel” the story but I was disappointed again in the end.

This was my first Brynn Stein book and, while not overly impressed with her writing style, I WILL pick up her other stories because the ideas behind them are worth the struggle, in my opinion.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t read this novel. Like I said, the story is beautiful and sad and heartbreaking. It just didn’t work out for me.

Happy Reading!

I've always loved to write and wrote fan fiction before I even knew what it was called. When computers came along, with online communities and places to publish fan fiction, I wrote even more. Then a friend convinced me to try to have an altered version of an AU (alternate universe, meaning all but original) published. My manuscript was accepted and now I'm a 'published author'.