September 17, 2015

Excerpt & Giveaway! Black Cradle: Origins: A Warren Bennett Johnson Novel (Warren-Bennett-Johnson/New England Book 1) by Max E Stone

Black Cradle - TOur Banner copy

Black Cradle - Cover

From a massive yacht’s bow, the ocean’s deep waters call…

Jennifer Warren answers with a thrust of her bruised legs, one by one, over the metal bars to freedom.

The thick hand in her hair yanks her back to hell…

Despite the glowing reputation of the businessman who constantly visits the department, provides his fortune to fundraisers and charities, and displays a loving concern for the well-being of his wife and children, Newport Rhode Island Detective Stephen Bennett trusts his gut

And the word of the man’s new neighbors…

The man is a killer...

*This is the full story of the August to Life (Book 1) prelude*

The blast of cold water wretched the boy awake to his hands bound behind his back. Black and blue eyes stared hard at a carpeted floor, waiting for the man; the last thing—the last face—he remembered during a visit to his grandmother’s grave before everything had gone black.

How long ago?




He kept trying to work it out through the fog of his mind.

No luck.

He looked up and scanned the rundown, soiled shack of a room and wished for the comforting arms of his grandmother.

But they were nowhere to be found.

Abruptly, booted footfalls bursted through the quiet.

The man was.

Tears filled the swollen slits of the boy's eyes.

"Quit crying like a pussy," the man demanded, hefting a gun from his jacket pocket and raising it to the boy's temple, and fired a single bullet. “Die like a man.”


Teenaged Robert Ellis was a loner by nature.

The fifteen-year-old had a habit of cutting class and running away.

Even in the months he’d spent with Newport Police Department thus far, Detective Stephen Bennett knew it. He’d first gotten to know the kid when Robert, having hot-wired his father’s car, took a joyride with some friends. En route to the beach, the teenager hit the breaks too late and ran straight into the back of navy blue truck.


Car doors flew open and Robert’s friends hightailed it, leaving the young man to deal with the consequences—Bennett talking with his parents and arranging for him to work to pay off the damages to both cars—alone.

At least, Robert thought so until Bennett surprised him with the other half of the money needed to complete the debt. Since then, the two had been inseparable.

This morning though, a concerned call from Robert's English teacher, an older Cambridge graduate who saw more potential in Robert than he did himself, came in on Bennett’s cell.

"I’m sorry to bother you like this, Detective, but you’re on Robert’s list of contacts," the teacher, Mr. Donald Ipswich, said, panic lacing his British accent. “He may cut class, but never misses mine. Do you know where he could be?”

It took only a moment for Bennett to figure it out.

Prior to his adoption, Robert was the product of a selfish father and a self-center and dead mother. And, from what he’d found on her, the woman's excessive drug habits and spoiled lifestyle had gotten her that way.
Robert's late grandmother was the sole biological family member who had truly cared for him.

“I know where he is,” Bennett reassured before thanking the teacher for his call, hanging up, and sprinting out of the department building.

Kicking the engine to life and leaving the lot for the road, he placed a quick call to Robert.

No answer.

He glanced at his watch.
The caretaker of the gravesite was due to arrive by now.
He had to have seen him. Driving onward, Bennett called Robert again.

He still didn’t answer. That wasn’t like him.

Miles later, he turned a corner, drove a ways down the street, and parked his rig on the

graveyard’s blue gravel path.
He got out and slammed the door in search of a tombstone bearing the name Eunice…Eunice…

Try as he might, he couldn’t remember her last name. Hustled through the grass and tombstones, he found the small house on the grounds. Once there, Bennett pounded on the front door.
It groaned open. Gun ready, he eased inside; the floor creaking under his weight. 
Among the noise, a loud squish resonated.
He looked down. Blood.
Bennett followed the trail across the room.

There, he found Robert; the young man slumped over.

“Damn it,” Bennett called, placing his gun back in his holster, and running toward the body. “Bobby.”

He turned the teenaged boy to his back and spotted the blood-caked hole in his head. Unnecessarily, the detective touched two fingers to the side of the young man's neck, feeling for a pulse he knew he wouldn't find.


Tears blurred his eyes. He hated this part of the job. With a heavy breath, he straightened and slid the phone from his pocket, set to call the murder in. The .45 aimed at the back of his head stopped him cold. Slowly, Bennett’s hands went up in surrender.

“Turn…around,” a deep, shaken voice commanded. “Now!”

He obeyed, turning and coming face to face with a heavy, rugged man; sweat pouring down his face and through his gray and brown beard, stress evident in the shaking hand holding the weapon.

“Easy,” Bennett ordered, composed despite the firearm now in his face. “Put the gun down.”

“I really didn’t want to do it, ya know,” the gunman choked out. “He was a good kid…but he wouldn’t…wouldn’t listen. I’m his dad. He should…he should have listened to me.”

“You’re his dad.”

“Kids should listen to their parents,” the gunman muttered in a rehearsed drone. “I told him…I told him to come with me. He wanted to go back to those people. He called them his family…I’m his family!”

Quick as a flash, the assailant bent his arm and held the gun to his own head.

“No!” Bennett cried.

But it was too late.

He watched, horrified, as Robert’s father pulled the trigger.

A writer and lover of books since the age of nine, Max first set pen to page as a hobby, constructing stories that were anything but fit for children. entertaining classmates while simultaneously concerning surrounding adults with blood-ridden tales of gory mysteries and heavy suspense that "just came to mind", max, with the help of family and the encouraging words of an inspiring fifth grade teacher, continued to develop this gift. 

Little was it known at the time, but said gift would become a lifeline. 

From horrific trauma in max's teen years, writing played an instrumental part in the difficult recovery and the Warrens, Bennetts, and Johnsons, three interconnected families all with issues, mysteries, and secrets that threaten their livelihood and lives,were born. Their stories, August to life and The bleeding, were published in 2012 and 2013 respectively. 

One minute there, the third installment, was released march 20, 2015 while the fourth is Black cradle.

Though relatively new to the publishing game, Max relishes the journey and learns something new each day.


WLK Book Promotions

Book Blitz! Character Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway! Finding Perfect by Kendra C. Highley

For “Perfect Paige” Westfeld, today is “D” Day. As in, she just got one on her calculus test. With her dreams of Stanford, her reputation, and her parents’ expectations at stake, Paige needs to find a way to save face before everything she’s worked for goes up in flames.

Ben Franklin (yes, he’s related) is from the wrong side of town, with the wrong clothes and the wrong kind of life. He also knows an opportunity when he sees one, and he’ll be happy to tutor Paige—if she makes him into the kind of guy her best friend, the hottest girl in school, will date.

It’s the perfect arrangement. And Paige is determined not even the inconvenient—and utterly imperfect—attraction simmering between her and Ben will ruin it…

Paige Westfield

Hi Paige, welcome. How are you?

Um, tired I guess. How long is the interview again?

Not long. I know you’re busy. Speaking of which, you have a lot on your plate right now.

I do. Senior year is really crazy. So many projects. I get asked to help out a lot.

So I’ve heard. Rumor has it, though, that you’ve been spotted with a guy recently—Ben Franklin, right? Anything we should know about?

Oh, that. He’s just a friend.

So you don’t have a thing for him?

::sighs:: I plead the fifth.

Really? That’s all you’re going to say? Because someone saw you two in your car the other day. What was that about?

I was fixing his hair, that’s all.

That’s not what it looked like, but you’re blushing, so let’s move on. How are things at home?

Okay. My mom still has us on that diet, but I’ve had a lot of chances to sneak sweets lately, which keeps me sane.

And the piano recital?

Ugh, don’t ask. I’m still working on the piece.

Fair enough. Here’s a serious question—where do you see yourself in five years?

Harvard medical school. After finishing pre-med at Stanford.

You don’t sound sure.

It’s…maybe I’m not sure. I don’t know. Daddy really wants me to go to Stanford, and my mom isn’t good about changes to “The Plan.” Even if I wanted to go somewhere else, I don’t think they’d approve.

But…what do you want?

Wow. You know, almost no one asks me that. Just Zoey. And Ben. Anyway, I’m not sure what I want. I do know I want to work with Alzheimer’s patients, but maybe not as a neurologist like Daddy.

Understood. So, I heard another rumor—that you hosted a very, ahem, hot car wash at your house the other day.

Oh, God. Please don’t ask me about that.

Okay, but answer this question—did you really make Ben take his shirt off?

::mumbles:: Had to show off the merchandise. For, uh, Zoey.

One last thing—you have a real heart for helping people. Have you ever thought maybe you should take some time for yourself? Take a break?

::wistful sigh:: Yeah, actually. But there’s a lot I have to get done first.

Like fall in love? Uh huh, I see that blush.

Okay, okay. Yes, like maybe fall in love.

Ben rocked from foot to foot, then said, “Want to come in? I mean, it’s not much, but—”

“I’d love to!” she answered in a rush, before he could change his mind. He raised an eyebrow and Paige almost laughed—he and Zoey could play Eyebrow Battle Royale when they went out. A wave of cold washed over her. She had to stop thinking about how this would all end, otherwise she’d make herself sick. “Well, are we going in or not?”

Looking nervous, he let her in a side door near the carport. The first thing she noticed was the house smelled like… “Brownies? You have brownies? For real? Where are they? Can I have some?”

He hung his keys on a hook by the door and turned to her, smiling. “My mom usually cooks stuff before she goes to work. We can go look.”

They went through a tiny utility room—more like a hallway—into a small, clean kitchen. The rest of the room, because it was all one room, had a little dining table and a living area with a sofa and a TV. Paige took all that in with one quick glance, then zeroed in on the baking pan on the range. Speechless, she merely pointed and gave Ben a single, pleading look.

By now he was laughing. “If I’d known you had a brownie fetish, I wouldn’t have worried so much about bringing you home.”

He pulled the foil off the pan and cut her a big square. The first bite was heaven. “Ohhhh my God. Mmmm.”

“Okay, so fetish was the right word. You sound a little like a porn soundtrack.” He cut a brownie for himself. “What, you don’t eat brownies at your house?”

“No.” She had to eat another bite before explaining further. Heavenly bliss on a napkin. “My mother, in addition to being randomly rude—I’m so sorry for the way she acted, by the way, because she was a total bitch. No idea what her problem was. Anyway, she’s a health fiend, and an all-organic champion. No junk food is allowed in the house. When Mom bakes, it’s low-fat, gluten-free, and non-GMO. She wouldn’t even let me buy something good at my own bake sale today. I have to buy candy bars on the way to school and hoard them in my locker if I want a fix.”

“Wow…that sucks,” he said emphatically before popping the rest of his brownie in his mouth. 

She nodded, too drunk on chocolate to bother answering.

His expression softened, and he reached out to brush her cheek. Goose bumps covered her arms and she gulped down her brownie. “What is it?”

He leaned forward, looking down into her eyes, before smiling. “Crumb on your cheek.”

She flushed head to toe, not sure if she was embarrassed or something else. Good God, she needed some air. Their faces were inches apart. All she’d have to do was lean forward and tilt her mouth up and they’d kiss. Would that bother him? Scare him off? He swayed closer to her and his hand drifted from her face to her shoulder.

No, to hell with worrying about it. She wanted him to kiss her. She turned her face up to his, and their lips were a breath away from touching. He stared down at her, mouth slightly open, and any second now, any second and he would kiss her. Any second…

Kendra C. Highley lives in north Texas with her husband and two children. She also serves as staff to four self-important cats. This, according to the cats, is her most crucial job. She believes chocolate is a basic human right, running a 10k is harder than it sounds, and that everyone should learn to drive a stick-shift. She loves monsters, vacations, baking and listening to bad electronica.

Excerpt & Giveaway! Little Moments, Second Chances #2 by Madison Street


Think back to the exact moment when you fell in love for the first time. That split second. That precise moment. Can you remember it?

I can remember the day as if it were yesterday: from the light blue dress she wore, to her golden locks curved along her shoulders, down to the shocking tingle when our fingers touched. It was the happiest day of my life, and yet she didn’t even know I existed.

What if you had the chance to relive those moments? Would you take it?I’ve waited almost ten years for her and my time has finally come.

This split second, this precise moment will change her life forever.

Chapter 1


THE SMELL OF SMOKE BURNS MY NOSTRILS. The faint cry of my mother’s screams echoes from behind the walls. Is this a dream? Mom, where are you?

Moving my sleepy fingers awake, I slowly open my eyes to darkness. The distant moonlight is grasping to shine inside my bedroom. As my eyes open wide, I see a haze of smoke surrounding me. Sitting up in bed, my hand reaches out to grab it. The siren of fire trucks grows louder.

My lungs begin to burn as smoke fills them. I buckle down and cough, gasping for clean air. Fear creeps along the back of my neck, as the hair stands still.


I quickly jump out of bed and immediately feel the heat on my bare feet. Whoa, that’s hot! Remembering what I learned in school, I try to stay low to the ground. Slowly crawling to the window, I try to open it, but the lock is too tight for me to pry.

The heat from inside is getting hotter and hotter. Beads of sweat start to trickle down my face. I can’t see anything. It’s too dark.

The panic builds inside. Banging on the window, “Somebody help me!” The heat on the window burns slightly, but I ignore the pain.

I look out the window to see three fire trucks pull up beside the apartment building. Firefighters race to the hydrants, connecting the water hose, as others rush into the building. Police cars make their way alongside the building as well.

Sudden screams startle me, jolting me away from the window. Mom?!

Keeping low, I crawl to my bedroom door and tap the knob to see if it’s hot. Sudden heat tingles my skin, so I turn around to try and find something to protect my hand. Feeling my way along the floor, I pick up what feels like a t-shirt and head back toward the bedroom door.

The smoke in my room gets thicker and harder to breathe. Constantly coughing, I make way to the door to twist open the knob. Pushing it open, I see flames cover the living room and its walls.

Pictures of my mom and me, plants, furniture; everything I see is burning. Standing up quickly and shielding myself, I yell out, “Mom! Where are you?”

“Roman! Oh, thank God you’re alright?”

Frantically, I look around to see her, but the flames blind my vision. “Mom, I can’t see you.”

“I’m in the foyer; I’m coming to get you! Stay where you are. Keep low baby, keep low!”

Bits of the ceiling above, crash into the living room, engulfing in flames. Heat rises, flames grow higher; panic builds inside. I’m scared.

A heavy pounding crashes onto the apartment’s front door. The muffled sounds of deep voices carry from the other side of it. The pounding continues until a firefighter crashes through the door. I can’t help but scream.

The firefighter grabs hold of me, “Are you okay kid?” Where’s your family?” He quickly inspects my arms and legs for any signs of injury and burns.

Pointing toward the back of the apartment, “My mom is back there and she’s on her way.”

Nodding his head, ‘Let’s get you out of here.”

He talks into his radio, “This is Rivera. I have two residents on the sixth floor in need of extraction. I have the boy with me now.”

Another voice responds through the radio, “On my way, Rivera.”

He wraps what looks like a blanket around my body, “This will prevent you from getting burned.”

I nod my head, “Thank you.”


Turning around, I see my mother reaching us. She pulls me into her arms, “Oh, thank you, thank you. I’m so happy you’re alright.”

I see tears spill out of her eyes, “what took you so long Mom?’

“I got stuck in the foyer. Some debris from upstairs fell. I’m okay though.”

The firefighter wraps a blanket around her, “Are you all right Ma’am? Anyone else in the apartment?”

“Yes, I’m okay. No one else lives here.”

At that moment, another firefighter comes barreling through the front entrance. “We need to get out now before it crumbles!”

Rivera picks me up, “Hold on kid,” and races off into the stairwell of the building. I look behind me and see my mother being carried by the other firefighter.

Smoke and flames surround us, and the unbearable smell fills my nose. I use the blanket to cover it, hoping I can breathe easier. Racing down the stairs, the building trembles and I hear debris falling.

As we pass each floor, cries for help echoed throughout the stairwell as I see firefighters attempt to complete their rescues. The building shakes again, and Rivera stops suddenly, grabbing onto the banister.

“Shit! Hold on to me, kid!”

As our bodies sway along the banister, I see the pieces of the stairwell beneath us crumble and fall into the darkness below. My eyes grow wide, and my breathing stops as fear of falling seeps in.

Rivera looks behind and yells, “We need to turn around! The stairwell is gone! Go back up to the fourth floor, and we’ll jump for it!”

As we turn around, I can see Mom wrapped safely in the firefighter’s arms, and she gives me a warm smile.

We follow closely behind until we reach the fourth floor. My mother’s rescuer runs to the nearest window, but suddenly debris falls in front of them. I hear her scream and the firefighter curse.

Rivera holds onto me tight as he radios for a jumping point. As he’s given his orders, he yells back, “We’re jumping off the west hallway! Follow us!”

He turns to race down another corridor, as I look back to see my Mom in the distance, “Mom!”

Rivera assures me, “Don’t worry kid. He’ll get her out.”

The building trembled again as we rush to the jumping point. I can hear Rivera’s heavy breathing through the oxygen mask, and he squeezes me tighter.

“Almost there. Hold on!”

I see light shine from a busted window casing as we get closer and closer. And as we approach for the jump, I hold with all of my might. Rivera leaps out, pulling me closer.

My eyes shut tight and loud screams from within escape me as we fly through the air. Until suddenly, we are bouncing up and down on a trampoline. As our bodies settle onto the trampoline, I look up at the building. It’s completely covered in flames. Smoke escapes broken windows; firefighters spray water to calm the fires while others are jumping out of the building into safety.

An explosion blasts from inside the building and it immediately begins to crumble into dust.

My heart sinks as I jump off the trampoline and rush toward the building, “Mom!”

Rivera grabs hold of me, “No! Don’t!”

I struggle in his arms, “No! My mom is still in there! She needs my help!”

I continue to struggle as tears trickle down my face as he holds onto me. What feels like forever is probably only a few minutes, my aching body surrenders in his arms.

I look back at the crumbled building as my body shudders. “She didn’t make it, did she?”

“No. I’m sorry son.”

Madison Street was born in New York City and was raised in the Bronx, where she resided until she was 17 years old. After September 11, Madison joined the United States Navy to serve her country.

During the deployments, Madison constantly wrote short stories and she discovered her passion for writing. You will find Madison always on the computer, whether she’s on Facebook, designing websites, messing with Photoshop, or writing for her blog.

Besides writing, her second passion is music and dance. Even though she’s a terrible singer, she’ll still belt it out in the shower, especially if the song is her jam! She currently resides in Virginia with her husband of 8 years, 2 children, a dog, and a cat. She is so excited to start this amazing journey and is honored to be part of such a compassionate and loving community.

September 16, 2015

Excerpt & Giveaway! A Little Thing Called Love, Marrying the Duke #0.5 by Cathy Maxwell

Grandmother, grandmother, who shall it be

Who shall it be who will marry me? 

Duke, Earl, a powerful marquess? 

When my heart is given to Fyclan Morris…

In New York Times bestselling author Cathy Maxwell’s new novella, beautiful Jennifer Tarleton has no lack of noble suitors, but the only man who captures her attention is the one her father will never let her marry: Fyclan Morris. He’s a brash adventurer, witty, courageous…and Irish! Even worse, her father blames her for their reversal of fortune…

And it’s a fortune—or rather his grandmother the fortune teller—who foretold that Fyclan would meet “the one”, a love prophesied in the stars. He vows nothing will stand in the way of making Jennifer his bride, but is the price too high? Or is a thing called love worth every challenge?

Most gently bred young ladies of her age would be just finishing the morning toilettes after a night of balls and routs. Not this one. Crossing the street ahead of Fyclan, she walked with purpose. She glanced at her scrap of paper repeatedly as if searching for an address. Her maid had to scamper to keep up with her. Her aggrieved footman held out his arm to protect her from the heavy traffic and unwarranted advances.

Fyclan crossed the street as well, wanting to keep her in his sights. 

He didn’t quite know how he would approach her or gain an introduction, but reach her he would—

His friend Bishard laid both hands on his arm and swung him around. He kept hold of Fyclan’s jacket as he waved his hand in front of his face. “Are you not listening to me? Damn it all, Morris, I’ve never seen you chase a woman before, and now you charge off like a hound on the trace of a scent.”

Fyclan laughed. “Only yesterday you chastised me for not being more aware of the fair sex. Well, now I am aware. Very aware. And I’m about to lose her, so excuse me—”

Bishard held fast. “She’s not for you.”

Those were fighting words. “And why not?”

His friend glanced around as if those on the pavement around them would be keenly interested in what he was about to say. His voice lowered. “Stowe has spoken for her.” 

He referred to the marquess of Stowe, one of the wealthiest men in London. The directors of the Company were keenly interested in him. Not only did they want his money for investment, they also needed his political patronage. 

Bishard’s warning did give Fyclan pause. He looked in the direction of his goddess. She was moving steadily away, a bright blue gem weaving in and out amongst a sea of drab, hard working men and women, people whose lives held no room for such a lively color.

And he knew he must not lose her. “Who is Stowe to me?” he said and would have charged off again in pursuit but his friend held on. 

“She is also Miss Jennifer Tarleton, Colonel Russell Tarleton’s daughter.” 

“The fool who cost us Konkan?” Fyclan referred to the battle the Company had fought against the Maratha rulers over the northern provinces. Fyclan had been the Company officer in charge and had removed the man from his command. Fyclan had lead the counter offensive himself, barely saving the Company from a humiliating defeat.

“The same. And still just as foolish. From what I understand, he is in dun territory. His only hope is to marry his daughter to a trunk full of gold. Trust me, Morris, you don’t want this one.”

“I have money.”

“But not as much as Stowe,” Bishard answered.

New York Times Bestselling Author, Cathy Maxwell, spends hours in front of her computer pondering the question, “Why do people fall in love?” It remains for her the great mystery of life and the secret to happiness. She lives in beautiful Virginia with children, horses, dogs, and cats.

Pre-Order Now
Marrying the Duke #1
Coming November 24th

September 15, 2015

Release Day Blast! Love Ever After: Eleven ALL-NEW Romances in one EXCLUSIVE collection!

Barnes and Noble:

For a limited time, get eleven ALL-NEW romances in one EXCLUSIVE collection! Cowboys, rock stars, hockey players, shifters, vampires and more! 

Yours To Teach (Captured and Claimed #2) by Cathryn Fox: After an introduction to the darker side of pleasure, Rebecca is anxious to experience the lifestyle to its fullest. Whisked away to a private resort by her lover, she is given a deeper glimpse into BDSM. Humbled that Rebecca has placed her trust in his hands, Quinn intends to take her training slowly. But when he sees her interest, he can’t help but think he needs to start sooner rather than later. 

Forever Begins With a Kiss (Wardham #8) by Zoe York: Chase & Mari tie the knot. WARNING: This book overflows with sexy hockey players, frothy wedding details, and frivolous sex scenes. 

Reign of the Vampire Book 1 by Sharon Page: Moving to Manhattan to work, Lauren is drawn into the world of seductive biker vampire Batiste Carlyle and his eternal battle with his destructive billionaire brother Renoir. As Lauren uncovers secrets of her past, she begins to trust Batiste, until he takes her captive… 

Project Virgin by Megan Crane: First-year lawyer Scottie Grey breaks off her long engagement to a cheating liar and decides it's high time she got rid of her virginity instead of saving it for a wedding day that might never come—maybe to San Francisco's infamous and most intimidatingly sexy attorney Damon Patrick? 

Committed (Lost in Oblivion, #3.7) by Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott: With the crash and burn of Simon Kagan's singing career, things have been a little off between him and Margo Reece. The passion is there—it's always there—but he wants to make sure she knows just how invested and committed he is to making her happy. Even if that means breaking out a ring and convincing her to wear it. 

All About the Bear by Biana D'Arc: Welcome to Grizzly Cove, where the sheriff has more than the peace to protect. The proprietor of the new bakery in town is clueless about the dual nature of her nearest neighbors, but not for long. Sheriff Brody will clue her in and convince her to stay calm—and in his bed—for the next fifty years or so. Yeah, that might be enough. Then again, maybe he’ll keep her forever. 

Fifteen First Dates: Date One by Elisabeth Grace: Follow along with Tessa Woodrow as she plummets headfirst back into New York City's dating pool and finds out the waters are choppier than she remembered. 

Longing for Langston (Mavericks of Meeteetse Prequel) by Renee Vincent: Tired of living in his brother’s shadow, Brody Galven wants the folks of Meeteetse to realize he’s no longer a bad boy screwup. He also wants his childhood best friend, Olivia Langston, but admitting he loves her is out of the question…even when she’s about to walk out of his life forever. 

Laguna Heights (Laguna Beach #2) by Kaira Rouda: Annie and Hank created a perfect life in beautiful Laguna Beach but when a dark secret is revealed, will their marriage survive? 

Peppermint Stick by Nina Lane: Heir to Sugar Daddy Candy, rakishly charming Ryan Stone sets his sights on the shy, inexperienced secretary his brother recently hired. And when Ryan discovers the secret behind Jane's sexual repression, he's determined to make her loosen up in all sorts of devious ways...

Fighting for Forever (The Springs) by Elena Aitken: Ever since falling in love at The Springs, Rhys and Kari have been living a fairy tale, but fairy tales aren't real. Or are they? When Kari runs from the idea of forever, Rhys will have to fight for them. But will it be enough?

Release Day Blitz! Dirty Promises, Dirty Angels #3 by Karina Halle

Blood. Sex. Revenge.

Being king comes at a brutal price.

Drug lord Javier Bernal has sliced and diced his way to the top of the Mexican drug trade, presiding over the country's largest cartel. But his rise to power comes at a brutal price: the death of his sister, Alana. Devastated and wracked with guilt, he turns away from his new wife, Luisa, forcing their marriage into a steady decline. But it isn't until she's pushed into the waiting arms of Esteban Mendoza, his right-hand man, that Javier realizes everything he's lost.

And it isn't until he learns the truth about Alana, that he realizes everything there is to gain.

Blood will spill.

Cities will burn.

Heads will roll.

Because Javier will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.

And what he wants is raw, ruthless revenge.

Dirty Promises is the third and final book in the Dirty Angels Trilogy. While the other two books - Dirty Angels and Dirty Deeds - can be read as standalones, it is recommended you read at least Dirty Angels before reading Dirty Promises.

My gun began to feel heavy in my hands. I needed to use it, and soon.

Light was seeping in underneath the door, so I pushed my goggles up on my head and slowly pushed it open.

The kitchen was empty, and the only light came from above the stove. The fridge hummed and the house was silent except for muffled laughter coming from down the hall.

A terrible scream splintered the room.

A man’s scream.

Had the ambush already begun?

I exchanged a worried glance with Diego as we heard doors further down the hall being flung open. Footsteps.

People ran past the kitchen, heading up the stairs toward the scream, not bothering to look our way.

All of them except for Juanito, that was.

He stopped dead in his tracks at the archway, staring at us like we were ghosts. I couldn’t help but grin.

He snapped out of it, reaching for his gun, but mine was already aimed at him. I shot him in the kneecaps, both of them, just as his gun fired, bullets cracking the ceiling.

Then, as if on cue, all of the outside erupted in gunfire. The sound shook the walls, and through the rattling windows bursts of light filled the sky. My army was here.

I ran over to Juanito who was screaming in pain, and picked him up by the collar, shaking him.

“All right you little fuckface,” I sneered at him, trying to fight the urge to strangle the fucking life out of him. “Tell me where Esteban is and I’ll make your death painless. Don’t tell me and I’ll break your bones with a hammer. Which one is it?”

His screaming wouldn’t stop. I shook him again. “You can’t protect him now. You’ll never fucking walk again and he sure as hell won’t give two fucks about a pathetic piece of garbage like you. So talk.”

But before he could, Diego was calling out my name. I let go of Juanito, rolling over him just in time as the air above me burned with bullets. Diego fired back at the assailants, and I kept rolling until I was behind the kitchen island. I quickly reached for the grenade which I knew could take out enough of them without damaging the structural integrity of the house, and tossed it out of the kitchen. It rolled down the hallway.

They yelled at each other to move but it was too late. I pressed my hands over my ears as the blast went off.

“Jesus, Javi,” Diego swore as pieces of plaster rained down on him. “You haven’t even moved back in yet.”

I didn’t care if it was sloppier than my usual methods — it was efficient. I scrambled to my feet and stared at the wreckage. There was a ragged hole in the wall, smoke and flames licking the edge.

I shrugged. “I wanted to open up that room anyway.”

Miraculously, or something of that nature, Juanito was still alive, holding on to his bleeding and blasted knees as he writhed on the floor.

He was missing half his face though, so it wasn’t like he escaped the explosion unscathed. He was very scathed and crawling for freedom.

I covered my nose and mouth with the crook of my elbow and walked into the smoke, letting it wash over me. Juanito looked up at me with what was left of him, begging for mercy with an outstretched hand.

I stepped on his hand instead, crunching the bones beneath my boot.

“That was for my sister,” I seethed. “I know you intercepted her call when she was calling me for help.”

“Javier, we have to go,” Diego said, coughing and coming over to stop me. A war was raging around me, but none of it mattered. All that mattered was an eye for an eye.

This time I stomped on Juanito’s arm, driving it in with all my might, like I was squashing a cockroach, until I felt it break beneath me.

He screamed.

I smiled.

But I was the furthest thing from happy.

And Juanito couldn’t even speak at this point. His mouth was a flap of burning skin, covering a gaping hole. He was useless.

I slid the hunter’s knife out of its sheath, and with one swift motion, stabbed it downward into the top of his skull.

The screaming stopped.

​From the USA Today Bestselling author of Love, in English and The Artists Trilogy, comes a dark romance about a good girl and a very, very bad man. It’s a deliciously twisted take on forbidden love, set among the drug cartels of hot, steamy Mexico and is not for the faint of heart. It contains explicit sex, violence, abuse, drug use, bad language and sexy Mexicans. You have been warned…

Karina Halle is a former travel writer and music journalist and The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of Where Sea Meets Sky, Racing the Sun, The Pact, Love, in English, The Artists Trilogy, Dirty Angels and over 20 other wild and romantic reads. She lives on an island off the coast of British Columbia with her husband and her rescue pup, where she drinks a lot of wine, hikes a lot of trails and devours a lot of books.
Halle is represented by the Waxman Leavell Agency and is both self-published and published by Atria Books/Simon & Schuster and Hachette in North America and in the UK.
Hit her up on Instagram at @authorHalle , on Twitter at @MetalBlonde and on Facebook. You can also visit and sign up for the newsletter for news, excerpts, previews, private book signing sales and more.