"No, you can't," said Ciardis flatly. "I may be inexperienced, but I'm not stupid. Your own courtiers are trying to kill you, and your social standing is next to nil. Any of my other prospective Patrons would be a much more suitable pick, in particular because they want me for me. You need me, but for how long?”
Sebastian opened and closed his mouth. He bit his lip, thinking, apparently trying to come up with something that would convince her to accept his proposal. Then, hesitantly, he said, "You're right—I'm not offering you a marriage, a family, or a warm hearth to crochet by. I'm offering you an adventure, and a chance to save your empire. Everyone needs something to inspire them, and can you really say that managing household accounts will do that for you?"
The Crown Service Series

Then the cloak fell. A man stood in front of her. Ezekiel stood in front of him with a sharp knife held at his throat. The man was gripping him tightly. Sara quickly spotted one other man with his back turned to the three of them about six rows back.
“Nice trick,” she said. She carefully took in the situation. She wondered if she was dealing with a mage, but she didn’t think so. Her battle instincts told her she was dealing with a normal man. Those instincts were almost never wrong. However, there was something magical about him. Narrowing her eyes, she realized it was the pendant around his neck. It was giving off an aura of old magic. She was impressed.
Haven’t seen one of those before, she thought.
Buy the series here:
Terah Edun's next YA Fantasy novel, BLADES OF MAGIC - Crown Service Book #1 (set in the Algardis Universe), will release on March 31, 2014. Book Five of Courtlight, SWORN TO DEFIANCE, will release in April 2014.
Her favorite writers include Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, Kristin Cashore, Robin Hobb and Maria Snyder.
Check out Terah's author website (teedun.com) for more information about her books, find her online @TEdunWrites and subscribe to her newsletter (bit.ly/SubscribetoTerahsNewsletter) to be notified of upcoming releases.
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