“Gentle academic Elizabeth Silk accidentally awakens the most powerful vampire who ever existed. Saloman has spent the last three centuries in agonized "sleep", but now he's back and determined to regain his rightful position as prince of the undead - and of humanity. Elizabeth is catapulted into a dangerous journey of adventure, violence and self-discovery. She's the one being who can stop Saloman. And he's the only being she can love.”
Hello, Marie! Welcome on Mikky’s World Of Books!
Thank you, Mikky! I’m delighted to be here – love your new blog ☺
First of all, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Well, I’m Scottish. I live by the seaside with my husband of more than twenty years, my three troublesome but lovable kids and, since quite recently, a cute and crazy puppy. And I write books, mainly paranormal romance, but I go wherever my imagination takes me ☺.
How did you come up with the idea for the Awakened by Blood Series?
I think it was a mixture of things. I wanted to write a Gothic sort of story and I had this vision in my head of a stone figure rising from a tomb and advancing on the woman who’d disturbed him – proving, of course, not to be stone at all! I’ve always loved vampire stories, and the old Dracula films, and I wanted my undead hero to embody all the scary traits, the badness and pure power of a vampire villain, and yet be different. Saloman isn’t human; he doesn’t think or act like a human. He’s clever, calculating, ambitious, monstrously arrogant and utterly ruthless. But by his own lights, that doesn’t necessarily make him a bad being. Besides, he’s witty and sexy and has an unexpected sense of fun ☺.
Anyway once I thought up Saloman, I needed a heroine who was, on the face of it, an unlikely partner for him: a modest, rather self-effacing academic who turns out to be clever enough, strong enough and funny enough to both attract and thwart him, and then to hold his attention. Elizabeth grew with the story.
The first scene in the books takes place in Romania and everyone knows that the legend of Dracula was born there. Were you inspired by it?
Oh yes. Dracula is one of my favourite books of all time ☺. Plus, I have very pleasant memories of a summer spent there, trying to follow the route of Jonanthan Harker to Dracula’s castle ☺. Didn’t quite make it, though we got as far as a village near the Borgo Pass. Extraordinarily beautiful and atmospheric countryside.
Who was the most difficult character to write and why?
Hmm. I don’t know that any of them were difficult as such, though they did have odd difficult moments. Sometimes a scene wouldn’t work out right – like Saloman and Elizabeth’s meeting after she’d killed his ally in BLOOD SIN, when I realized I was trying to make him act out of character and had to rewrite it. And some of Elizabeth’s personal conflicts between her love for Saloman and support of the hunters were difficult. The conflict had to come out in more than words and be somehow resolved. There was always a lot going on inside her!
Is there anything of you in any of the characters?
I think there’s always something of an author, however little, in all their creations. I suppose Elizabeth has more of me than the others in Awakened by Blood, but these parts of her are me as I’d like to be ☺. I’m not nearly as adventurous or as bright as Elizabeth. But there is something of my nature in her. Mixed up with lots of other stuff ☺.
I know I have asked this before but, are you going to write more books about Saloman and Elizabeth? I know we see them here and there in The Blood Hunters Series but I want to know if there will be other books in the Awakened by Blood series.
Well…I think Blood Eternal really finished the story of Awakened by Blood. However, I don’t rule out going back to Elizabeth and Saloman. I have an idea for a third series concentrating primarily on them, so we’ll see…
If you were to choose the actors for an Awakened by Blood movie, who do you think would be most suited to play Saloman and Elizabeth?
I don’t know! I’ve just been trawling the Internet for suitable-looking actors, and although I hesitated over a few – including Henry Cavil for Saloman - none of them are quite right! Maybe I’m too close to the characters to ever be satisfied ☺. In any case, looks are only the beginning. Saloman especially would have to be someone with a huge screen presence as well as looks… Have you come across anyone you think fits?
Would Saloman and Elizabeth like to leave a message for their fans? Do they have any questions for us?
I think Elizabeth at least would like to say thank you ☺. And… they might want to know what you would do in Elizabeth’s position. Would you allow yourself to be turned to spend eternity with the being you love? Should you? And if so, what would you DO with all that time and power?
Mikky - Hi, Elizabeth. I do not know how to answer your question. I do not want to give spoilers but I think you have all the reasons to accept. You are the only one who grounds Saloman and he needs you just as much as you need him. He has changed so much.
I also think you are ready for this responsibility. I am not so brave.
What are you working on right now?
What advice would you give to all the aspiring authors out there?
I never really know how to answer this question, because every author’s journey seems to be different! My general advice is to read lots and to write constantly. Be critical of your writing to make it as good as it can be, and accept criticism from those you trust for the same reason. Try also to get your head around promotion and marketing (never quite managed that one myself ☺), and never give up!
Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us Marie and thank you to Saloman and Elizabeth as well. We do hope to see more of them soon.
It’s been a pleasure! Thank you so much for having all of us here ☺.
Read the Blood on Silk review HERE
Blood Sin
Saloman’s strength is increasing and he’s forging new alliances. He’s now ready to face the future and to bring all the vampires together. Nothing and no one will stand in his way. Even more so when he’s made up his mind to get his possessions back.
Nothing and no one except a beautiful, intelligent woman who still doesn’t trust him even if she’s crazy in love with him.
Elizabeth is ready to fight everyone to keep her relatives alive and out of the reach of Saloman. She is stronger now, trained to face any danger. Oh, but the greatest danger has nothing to do with the vampires trying to get to her and kill the Awakener who brought their greatest fear back to life.
There’s so much going on at this point in both Saloman and Elizabeth’s lives and many things are changing.
He is changing. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still an arrogant, condescending, cruel bastard but with Elizabeth he’s different. She’s changing him in unexpected ways but, at the same time, he’s changing her.
The chase for stolen artifacts will forge new alliances, break old friendships and strengthen bonds. The future is still uncertain for Saloman and Elizabeth and they still have a long way to go and many more challenges to face that will either bring them together forever or finally drive them apart.
You just have to keep reading to find out but it will be worth it.
Happy Reading!!
Blood Eternal
Third and final installment in the Awakened by Blood series, Blood Eternal is the epic conclusion of Saloman and Elizabeth story.
We’ve seen them meet, fall in love and fall apart and now they’ll have to decide if they’re ready to build a life together or go their separate ways.
Saloman has brought the vampires together but there are still those who won’t follow his rules. His relationship with Elizabeth is still uncertain and the Hunters are still determined to bring him down.
If this wasn’t complicated enough, a presence from the past threatens to destroy them and everything around them so the powerful vampire, his reluctant lover and the determined Hunters will have to learn to work together or they won’t stand a chance.
When all is said and done, their lives will have changed forever and the biggest challenge has yet to be faced by Elizabeth who’s role in the story is much more important than they could have imagined.
I loved this series. It has become one of my favorites really fast and ever since I’m pestering Marie to write more about Saloman and Elizabeth.
I think it has what it takes to satisfy everyone- there’s action, mystery, the dark and dangerous hero who, in some ways, is not a hero at all but he has a way of getting under your skin until it’s impossible to get him out. Then, there’s the intelligent, determined heroine who will not be swayed by her feelings and who is strong enough to make the right decision even when her soul is in pieces.
I don’t exactly remember how and where I found this series but I am so, so glad I’ve decided to give it try and I highly recommend it. It’s definitely a must read.
Simply brilliant.
P.S.- I call dibs on Saloman, though *wink*
Happy Reading!!

Marie is the award winning author of over forty sexy paranormal romances - Indie, New York and E-published.
Subscribe to her New Release Mailing List and receive a free preview of BLOOD SONG, the not yet published prequel to the Awakened by Blood trilogy and the Blood Hunters series: http://www.marietreanor.com/marie-treanor-newsletter/
She loves to hear from readers! Please email her at Marie@MarieTreanor.com.
You can find out more about Marie and her books on her website
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I am excited about this series!! :)
Thanks for letting me know about this awesome blog Ewelina!
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