A sexy category romance from Entangled's Brazen imprint...
His heart is bound tighter than the bondage he craves...
Determined to put her past behind her, Cassidy Peyton moves to the Big Apple. But New York has a few dark secrets of its own, including Serve, an exclusive BDSM club. It's a place she isn't sure she's ready for, until she sees him watching her. Hot. Intent. Knowing. With eyes that leave her stomach tied in knots, because the loneliness he's trying to hide matches her own.
Security expert David Cavill has more secrets than any man should. Secrets that forever shut down any possibility of love, marriage, or family. Yet Cassidy draws him in, an intoxicating combination of strength, candor, and sensuality that David can't resist. But as their bond deepens, Cassidy must decide if she can love a man whose heart is bound tighter than the form of bondage he craves...
Cassidy Peyton probably wouldn’t have been up for her roommate’s suggestion on a good day, but she especially wasn’t after an exhausting twenty-four hour shift at her new job as a social worker.
“You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going with you.”
Allie chuckled. “You don’t understand. This place is amazing. Like genie-in-a-bottle-only-granting-sexy-wishes kind of amazing. They just approved my membership, and I’m dying to go play.”
“Yeah, but if they just approved your membership, how am I supposed to get in? I haven’t even applied.”
“Well...” she drawled out, obviously stalling in order to come up a sitcom-worthy, hair-brained scheme. Then her face brightened to the point that Cassidy could actually picture the light bulb turning on over her head. “That’s why you should come! We’ll get your application started.”
Her roommate gestured across the living room, like she was drawing a map of the club. “There’s a bar up front for newcomers. Totally separate from the levels where anyone plays. You can walk in with me, fill out your application there, have a few drinks—my treat, by the way—while I go to the newbie class.”
She scrunched her brows and narrowed her gaze. “And that’s it? You’d be okay with me not doing anything else?”
“I picked you as my roommate because you wanted to break out of your comfort zone. I’d like to see you put your own app, but hey, just coming with me will be a step in the right direction. Besides, it takes them a few days before they let you know if you’re invited back for an interview. If they turn you down, decision made. But if they let you in?”
If they let me in...
A woman with the heart of a revolutionary,
The mind of a pragmatist,
And the inappropriate humor of your tipsy BFF...
Born in California and raised in South Florida, I've moved around like a gypsy with a bounty on my head ever since. Along the way, I've worked as a community organizer, a professional matchmaker, an art teacher, a popular blogger, and a crisis counselor (to name a few). All the while, longing to have the guts and follow-through to do what I really wanted: to write and become a published author. That wish has finally come true and I am tickled pink with glitter over this good piece of fortune.
What else? Hmm...I love indie, lo-fi, complaint rock played on vinyl, wearing black because it's slimming, the theater, well-informed optimism, happy endings (both kinds),and making those close to me laugh 'til they snort. I'm a self-admitted change junkie, loving new experiences and places, but have now happily settled in the cutest lil' town, Vienna, Virginia. I totally love hearing from readers so stalk me via social media or email me at HarperKincaid26@gmail.com!
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