September 26, 2015


Our family is going through some hard times right now. We have lost our aunt in a tragic car accident and, for a few days, I'll be offline. 
If I owe you a blog post/review/interview/ etc...please, bear with me. I apologize for messing up your schedules but my family needs me and I need to be there every step of the way. Thank you so much for understanding.  ~Mikky~


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Mikky. I hope you and your family are ok :( Take care.

Mihaela said...

Thank you, Jennifer.

Unknown said...

So sorry for your loss.
—Wordsmith Publicity

Mihaela said...

Thank you, Andrea.

Viki Lyn said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Family comes first. Viki Lyn

Mihaela said...

Thank you, Viki.