January 29, 2016

Author Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway: State Of Destruction, Collapse #7 by Summer Lane

The destruction of California is at hand.

Cassidy Hart and Chris Young have survived a dangerous mission into the heart of Sky City, a secret Omega base hidden deep in the mountains, but their vengeance has come with a price. The dark, ominous cloud of nuclear war threatens to destroy everything they love, and they are forced to make one final stand against Omega’s western invasion force.

San Francisco.
Cassidy and her friends retreat to Alcatraz Island, regrouping with their lethal strike team, the Angels of Death. Their mission: infiltrate the most important Omega base on the west coast, and assassinate everyone they find there, including a new and dangerous enemy, the ruthless Omega leader Veronica Klaus.

The clock is ticking.
Ashes rain from the sky. Cassidy Hart must make a choice.
What is more important? Victory, love or revenge?

Omega is the enemy’s name.
Survival of the fittest is their game.

Cassidy Hart will not stop until she has saved California…but will she be too late?
Book #7 of the Bestselling Collapse Series by Summer Lane

Where Collapse is Headed: And What Happens After! 

This is your seventh installment in the Collapse Series! When is the series ending? 

The Collapse Series will end at the tenth installment, but that does not mean that the characters are going away forever. The Collapse Series does exactly what it’s name suggests: it follows the collapse of society and civilization. After I’m done with that, I can move to what happens after. 

When is Book 8 releasing? 

Summer 2016. The next book will take Cassidy somewhere she has never been before – far away, to a place full of surprises. I can’t say too much, because I don’t want to spoil State of Destruction! Let’s just say it will be pretty cold where she’s going. 

Any other books? 

I announced that I’m working on releasing another series this year, The Bravo Saga. This series follows the adventures of the fierce and loyal Bravo, the German Shepherd companion of Elle Costas in the Zero Trilogy. He’s one of the most popular characters – if not THE most popular – that I have ever created for readers, so I’m excited to share his story next. 

How do you write so many books a year? 

Hmm. I’m not really sure. I’ve been so incredibly busy for three years – I haven’t stopped to think or breathe. It’s definitely a positive thing, but I will probably start to roll back to 2-3 book releases a year after the Collapse Series has finished. Just so I can have a little downtime between books. It’s important to rest your brain when you’ve been creating non-stop for such a long period of time.

We move through the prison in a silent, determined parade. As we walk, we draw the attention of the soldiers staying in the cells. A few of them recognize Chris, but mostly I hear murmurs about me. 

“…That’s Cassidy Hart…” 

“…she’s a sniper in the militias…” 

“…I heard she’s killed a thousand men…” 

“…No, not a thousand. Maybe a hundred—”

“Who could miss her? Look at that red hair.” 

They whisper. I hear snatches of their comments. Some of them call me Commander, some of them call me Senator, and some of them call me Shooter. It is strange. Everyone knows me. They know my name, they know what I’ve done, where I’ve fought, and what I’m good at. 

I am known for killing. 

Do I regret my reputation? I search my mind, and there is a twinge of guilt there…but it is gone in a flash. 

No. I do not regret it. I regret nothing. 

I am a fighter, and I will not apologize for defending what I love.

Summer Lane is the #1 Bestselling Author of The Collapse Series and the compelling tie-in novella books of The Zero Trilogy, as well as the upcoming Bravo Saga (releasing Spring 2016). She is also the author of Collapse: The Illustrated Guide, a #1 bestselling graphic companion to her phenomenal original series.

She is the owner of WB Publishing and Writing Belle, an online magazine. Summer is also an accomplished journalist and creative writing teacher. 

Summer lives in the Central Valley of California, where she spends her days writing, teaching, and writing some more. When she is not writing, she enjoys leisurely visits with friends at coffee shops, movie dates, reading and spending the day at the beach or mountains.

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