August 12, 2015

Excerpt, Author Interview & Giveaway! Definitely, Maybe, Yours by Lissa Reed

Seattle-based baker Craig Oliver leads a life that is happily routine: baking cupcakes for an enormous family reunion, managing Sucre Coeur for its frequently absent owner, and closing out his day with a pint at the local pub. He has a kind heart, a knack for pastry, and a weakness for damaged people. 

Habitual playboy Alex Scheff is looking to drown his sorrows, but instead discovers that he may have a weakness for Englishmen who carry cookies in their pockets. Can a seemingly incompatible pair find the recipe for love in a relationship they claim is casual?

With a wink, Craig pulls a ten-dollar bill out of his left coat pocket and a carefully bagged almond and raspberry-lemon croissant, Katie's all-time favorite baked good, out of the right. He passes them across the bar as if he's James Bond—a very cheeky and cheery sort of 007. “You know I'll always look out for you. Keep the change.”

Katie squeals and flops across the bar to squeeze him breathless, and her ponytail slaps him in the nose. She bounces off with her treat in hand and Craig shakes his head and pulls long black and red hairs from his face, as he does every time this happens. Katie really is his favorite bartender at The Order of the Garter, hell, his favorite bartender in Seattle and maybe even the world. Much too good to be working at a grotty little pub, fending off unsavory advances and spilled drinks four nights a week; that's why Craig will bring her any bakery treat she wants, anytime she wants it, until she finally wises up and gets the hell out of this place.

Time for another sip of this excellent, excellent stout: Craig reaches forward. It's a good Thursday.

Of course, that's when it takes quite the sharp turn, leaving every Seattle-pub-Thursday Craig's ever known in the dust.

“Well, aren't you a hit with the ladies,” comes a surly drawl from his left, startling Craig just as he's got his fingers around his glass. “Was that a croissant in your pocket, or were you actually happy to see her?”

“Both,” Craig replies, shifting around to lean on his elbow and survey the formerly silent pile of misery hunched over two stools down, the limp guy at the end of the bar Craig had spotted on his way in. He is not unconscious after all, much to Craig's surprise; judging by the row of empty shot glasses upside down in front of him and the distinct aroma of tequila emanating a good four-foot radius from his person, he should be. Craig winces and turns away as the fumes burn his nose.

“Baked goods. That's a new one. Never saw anyone use baking to hit on the ladies before.” Mr. Misery sways his head upright, pushes a wild flop of brown hair out of his eyes and swings around until he locates Craig. He blinks. “Does it work?”

Surprised by the color of the eyes meeting his—an unusual shade, gray, not blue-gray or blue, but the gray of a sky covered in early storm clouds—Craig answers without thinking. “I wouldn't know. I don't hit on girls. Katie's my friend, not my type.”

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Lissa Reed, author of Definitely, Maybe, Yours.

Hi Lissa, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your current book.

I’m pleased to be here, thank you! I am of course a writer, but also a reader, a knitter, a cat owner, a cook…oh, and I work with banking software during the day to be able to afford everything else! I live in Texas, but I am from Louisiana, and I am a reformed Navy Brat. It took me a few years to realize I did not have to move every two to four years anymore…

Definitely, Maybe, Yours is the story of two men with big hearts—one of whom, Alex, keeps his very guarded, and the other of whom, Craig, who would give his to Alex in a heartbeat if he wasn’t afraid it would scare Alex off. It is also a story of friends and family and many delicious baked goods, so I would not read it if you’re hungry, I think.

1) Is there a character in your books that you can’t stand? (Antagonist for example) And what makes them someone you don’t like?

There is a character named Jeff in Definitely that I detest whole-heartedly. I can’t say much due to spoilers, but he deserves every inch of my disdain, he’s selfish and mocking and awful for a large part of his role in the book, and I can’t stand people like that.

2) Are there misconceptions people have about your genre?

Aren’t there always? Even I have been known to have doubts about romance even while I was writing it! I think the biggest misconception though is that romance is written by and for lonely, unimaginative women and that’s not the case at all. I mean quite apart from the fact that there are men involved too, there’s the fact that I’ve met the most amazing, funny, and intelligent women in the romance world, and, well. There is a reason it’s the biggest genre of books, isn’t there? 

3) Is there message in your novel that you hope readers grasp?

That you are worth loving, no matter what someone may have said to make you think otherwise.

4) How has your writing evolved since your first book? (If this is your first book, how do you hope it evolves?)

I want to write books that stay with people for a long time, that make you want to re-read them. I don’t know if I am there with this one, it would be nice but if I am not, I’ll just try harder. I have many books on my bookshelves that are old friends and I would like to be part of someone else’s library in that regard.

5) One food you don’t care if you never eat it again.

Cilantro. I can only eat it in salsa, otherwise it tastes like soap and I can live without it quite happily. It would be nice if I could like it, but alas. 

Lissa Reed is a writer of fiction, blogs and bawdy Renaissance song parodies. She traces her first interest in becoming a writer to the fourth grade, when her teacher gave her the gift of her first composition book. A former newspaper editor, Reed shifted her focus to romance and literary fiction early in her writing career. She lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and is currently working on her new novel, Certainly, Possibly, You—the sequel to Definitely, Maybe, Yours.


Lissa Reed said...

Thank you so much for hosting me, it was lovely!

Mihaela said...

It was our pleasure :)

Sherry said...

Hello Lissa, Congratulations on your new book.

Lissa Reed said...

Thank you, Sherry!